Magical Rest


“I wonder if the snow loves the trees and fields, that it kisses them so gently? And then it covers them up snug, you know, with a white quilt; and perhaps it says "Go to sleep, darlings, till the summer comes again.”

― Lewis Carrol, Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland

Solstice has passed and even though we still face several months of cold


and chilly weather, the hint of warmer days can be felt, at least for me. On an energy level the garden is fast asleep, cuddled in blankets and quilts, quietly rejuvenating for the bursting forth of energy in the spring. In the colder climes of our beautiful country, the land, gardens and prairies are sheltered under a layer of snow, frozen in crystalline beauty. I find it ironic that even though things are slower, and the cold brings a certain kind of quiet, there is still activity and creation. There is a different kind of creation, a healing of old, restoring and rejuvenation of cells, souls and hearts.

As 2015 comes to a close, the hum of change is dancing in the air. Our bodies slow down due to cold, and we settle in for a long winters nap, the rest that happens in the winter is slowly rebuilding on a magical level. Nature is such an amazing teacher; as Bears hibernate deeply into sleep, their bodies completely at rest, I feel it is a universal reminder that rest for hearts and souls is so vital to our own wellbeing. A quiet walk across the snow covered plains, or through the trees as the rain drips and sings against the branches, are all moments we can embrace with our bodies for a healing and rejuvenation for the coming warmer days.

When we settle into this rest period, a slow and relaxing massage with Lavender or Rose oil can ease the mind and create a sense of peace and wellbeing. Our modern society can be stressful and full of hectic schedules, it is wise to take some time to relax and rejuvenate our over worked and stressed out bodies and souls. Massage is an excellent means to provide relief, and our Lavender or Rose Leaf Massage oil!massage-oils-/jiz9b


will allow you to mentally and physically release and rest. Our Massage Oils are formulated to help by using scent for the mind and oils to pamper the skin. The beauty of natural products is that they do more than one job. Our oils support the whole body and are safe to use on babies and children without worry or concerns. Our oils use Lavender and Chamomile to ease the stressed mental mind. Our Rose Petal and Leaf oil is formulated to relax our over loaded senses, and our infused Calendula for your body. Take some time to enjoy an active rest, and treat your body to a magical experience that is organic and wonderful for skin, body and soul. Take the time to appreciate the down time for a while; we all need this time to restore ourselves so that we can care for others. Quicker than you know it, spring will be here and the rush of energy will pick up, whirling us along on the river of creation and dream building.

UncategorizedSandra Limbach