And So It Begins!


Well they finally arrived! I have been wait for our business cards and Moo delivered them today. They are stunning. I am so excited to put them out there. I have to thanke Julie of Julie K Photo for the pictures. She did such a wonderful job and I am glad that my garden showed up to participate in the process.

We are planning our distribution outlets for our products as I write this. We have started the Rue and Rose website with all of our products listed. It is still a work in progress but you should be able to find all of our creations listed here, We also have a rueandrose Etsy shop as well. We have only listed a few of our products so far but they are our most popular items. You can find our Muscle and Injury Recovery Salves as well as our Arthritis Herbal Rub there.

We are planning on participating in the Winter Fair at the San Francisco Waldorf School. The fair is to be held on 12/8/15 from 10am - 3pm. Hope to see you there!